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Help Battery Drain 73 Bavaria

Discussion in 'E3 "New 6", 2500, 2800, Bavaria 3.0S & 3.0Si (1968' started by budascribe23, Feb 26, 2010.

    budascribe23 guest

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    Just think I figured out the reason for my battery drain. With a probe on the neg term of the battery I went thru all the fuses in the Bav. On fuse #8 the light on the probe cut out thus likely indicating the source of said drain. Fuse #8 runs the hazard lights/interior light/glove light/trunk/clock. The glove light and the interior light goes on/off as designed. The clock doesn't work (though I haven't acutually removed it) and the trunk light doesn't go off as well. The hazards have been making a ticking sound but with no flashing. Any help or advice on which is the specific source of the drain and how to repair (outside of just removing the fuse)? Thanks!!

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    Well, two obvious things:

    I'd either fix the glovebox light switch or remove the bulb so that drain stops.

    The same goes for the flashers. Replace the relay/switch so they do work properly.

    I would expect those to resolve your problem.

    budascribe23 guest

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    The hazard lights actually worked after I jumped her. Could It have been the charge was too low on the battery to initially actuate the hazards or do you think the 4 way flasher could still be the problem? As for the trunk light, it actually is not working. I checked the bulb and it seems intact. I also manually tried to actuate it but the probe light tester on the neg term of the battery remains on so i'm not sure if that's the cause of the drain (though I do want to figure out why it's not lighting up). Could it be the clock? I haven't replaced the non working one and was thinking about taking it out. Unfortunately I can't find in the chilton manual I have on how to properly uninstall it. I'm thinking it has to be the relay, clock, or trunk though again the hazards do work (when jumped) and the trunk light is not working. For now im likely to take out the fuse but any other ideas outside of bringing her in? I'm pretty certain it is that particular fuse but any other possiblities (e.g. relays?). I'm thinking about doing the voltage meter and test light deal. Thanks and I appreciate the time.


    Johan guest

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    I had a 72 Bavaria great car, I do still have the OEM manuals(3 ring blue binder ones) for the car. If you tell me just what you wish to know I can see about scanning in the pages for you if it would help. I'm not very strong when it comes to electrical.
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    Johan, I recently bought a 73 Bavaria and I am having constant electrical and carburetor problems, if you can help me with some manuals I will appreciate it, if you are still around. Thank you for your help!
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    What are your electrical problems? I've been having allot of them in my Bavaria and just solved them by getting a new ignition switch. Easy to change too.

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