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Heated seats and steering wheel

Discussion in 'E53 X5 (2000-2006)' started by Jeff Gomon, Nov 24, 2008.

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    Jeff Gomon South Central Region Vice President

    Post Count: 147
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    I like the heated seats and steering wheel in my 05' 4.4i....to a point. It spoils me when I have to drive my M5 (not even cup holders in that one). It also tends to make me a bit tired while driving and being so warm. One good benefit, if I turn the heat up to high my wife's side, it has the same effect and she dozes off in a few minutes. I love a nice quiet drive!!!:D

    Just kidding, she is a great co-pilot. I do wish there was a second heat setting for the steering wheel as it gets dang hot. I know, I know...I can just shut it off and stop complaining.:eek:

    My question is, has anyone with early X5's with the heated seat elements had any problems with them failing? I know there have been a few of our chapter member that had the drivers side fail prematurely. Just looking for a trend here.

    Zulu95 guest

    Post Count: 1
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    I have read about many heated seat failures on X5World and other boards. Obviously the most used side should fail first.

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