Over time, I have come to believe the most cost efficient way is The Way to go with e30s and e36s. Very, very few vehicles have ever had the Aftermarket that these two have. Given that, I think both, especially the e36, deserve more respect as time goes on. Personally, I think my e36 is a better looking BMW car then any new BMW aside from the 1 & 2 series cars. Anyway, I just ordered some Nankang tires for the e30 from Tire Pak. My only regret is that I did not order 4, it was only $110 to have 2 fedex'd ($90 + $20 fed ex) to my home. I also purchased some $6.95 steering rack boots from bavauto to go along with the $80 ebay steering rack I scored. Recently, my mechanic rebuilt the blower motor in the e30s AC using tape and wire after he fixed the window regulator with one swift punch. If you've driven BMWs long enough, you may recall that BMW mechanics used to be this creative. Now, they are all just too clean shaven, too clean cut and too expensive, that is, if you can even get in to see them at the dealer (DON'T DO IT). If you have an e30 or an e36, all you need is a bavAuto catalog and one semi decent neighborhood mechanic. You'll still blow the doors off of everyone with automatic transmission. Feeling necessarily thrifty in Nola - Lex