Come learn the art of high-performance driving at the Golden Gate Chapter's Driving School at Thunderhill Raceway in Willows, CA on November 13 &14. It's a great place for both first-timers and experienced drivers alike. The focus of our driving school is on safety and education; every student is assigned an instructor until they are signed off at the event. Our dedicated team of experienced instructors will help you learn at a comfortable and enjoyable pace. Event cost is $399 for BMW CCA members, $447 for non-members (non-member pricing includes a 1-year non-refundable BMW CCA membership). Each participant will also receive a GGC driving school t-shirt (be sure to select your size during the registration process). A Saturday evening buffet dinner will be held at the Willows Elks Lodge (catered by Black Bear Diner) for $25/person. This driving school will also feature BMW CCA Club Races on Saturday and Sunday, bringing you the thrill of watching wheel-to-wheel racing when not driving on the track yourself. Registration is open! This is our last driving school of 2010. Don't miss out!
Hi Kelly, I'm signed up. Do you have suggestions on finding a mechanic that can do the tech inspection of my car? My car is a new stock (no sport package) car so not sure what I really need to do. Do I just print out the pdf and hand to any mechanic or there is any particular person that needs to do this? Can I do this on the first day of the event? Thanks
All of the answers to your questions are in the GGC Event Prep PDF posted on our Web site here: Pages 3 & 4 of the Event Prep document specifically cover Tech Inspections. You will need to print the Tech Inspection form and bring it to any mechanic you feel comfortable with. They will need to sign and stamp the form, indicating all of the checklist items have passed inspection. Failed items will need to be corrected before our event. Bring your signed, stamped form with you to registration on the first morning of the event. Tech inspections are valid for 30 days from the time they are completed and are not offered at the track so I would not wait until the day of the event. See you at Thunderhill!