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Get Your Drool Rags Ready - Limerock M3

Discussion in 'E90/E92/E93 M3 (2008-2013)' started by mrsbee, Aug 2, 2012.

    mrsbee guest

    Post Count: 511
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    So, on a recent adventure, I was lucky enough to stumble across one of the super flashy Limerock M3's.

    This this is hot, so much you might need ovenmitts to drive it, although, watch out, that flat bottomed steering wheel might surprise you if you're not used to it (i had one in a TT, it got on my nerves, but I digress)
    Limerock1.JPG Limerock2.JPG
    • Member


    Post Count: 128
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    Nice, but that's not the Limerock edition, it's even better. The Limerock wishes it was that car. That's the Euro only limited edition 4.4Liter M3 GTS with wing and role cage

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