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Gallery Images: How do you refile misfiled photos?

Discussion in 'Member Feedback' started by Brian A, Jul 28, 2010.

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    Brian A

    Post Count: 659
    Likes Received:7
    How do I redo the way I've posted images in my "Gallery"?

    Over the last couple of years, I simply uploaded new photos into "My Gallery" without creating "Albums" or specifying subcatetories such as "3 Series", "Classic Models" or "Autocross". Now I realize it makes sense to use this extra detail, but I can't figure out how to redo it. Is there a way?
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    steven s

    Post Count: 2,505
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    I'm not seeing a way unless I move them for you.
    Create an album and PM me which images you want moved.
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    Brian A

    Post Count: 659
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    I don't want to make work. Its a small issue. If it were user changable, I would have done it. Since it is not: I'll leave as-is.
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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

    Post Count: 2,188
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    We have a gallery?! :eek:
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    steven s

    Post Count: 2,505
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    We have a magazine? :D

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