need new floor mats for my 1993 325i but just want the two front mats - any suggestions on where to go for good OEM-style front-only floor mats? Thanks!
There are lots of places who advertise in the Roundel, but I have to push or They make OEM mats for all the luxury marques, but have a site where you can custom design and order your own set. I never realized what this factory located in the woods 1/4 mile from our house did until I needed some anchors for our mats and the local dealer told me I could probably run across the street and get some for free. Hope this helps!
Scott - since I can't find anything on the Racemark website about exactly what their 'Mat-Loc' system is and how it works, do you have any insight? Older BMW's used a Racemark system w/ 'pins' that would screw into the carpeting, and the floormats had round plastic inserts that snapped to the pins. They don't have enough specifics to explain the 'Mat-loc' system. Just curious if it's a backing material, something that's mounted to the mats that grabs the carpeting, or just what. Bavauto offers custom-cut mats in a number of levels. If you custom order something from a catalog supplier, do not trust the color selection shown in the catalog or online - request several samples covering the color range you want to match. Then you can be sure you're getting what you want when you order. As an aside, I have yet to see the 'perfect' floormat, regardless of price. In the mats I've seen, there's no 'anti-slip' traction material on any mat that is capable of keeping the mat in place and from sliding forward under the pressure of a driver's feet when getting into a car, unless the mats are held in place by some physical retention system (snaps, clips, whatever). Vinyl edging will split and fray over time, threaded serging will get dirty, and fray. It's inevitable that wear spots will... wear. If the waterproof backing material isn't thick enough, over time it will wear/crack, and the mat can soak through. I think BMW stock mats have a waterproof backing, covered by a thin foam layer, but if used heavily enough, eventually that will wear out, and you'll find the mat soaking through. I'm sure there's other places offering mats, see what google finds for ya.
The last set I had made was several years ago for a Subaru SVX, so they did not have the Mat-Lok technology they speak of. I could give some wisenhiemer reply like the Mat-Lok system incorporates older southern lawyers who curl up and hold the mate in place, but that doesn't do anything but make older southern lawyers angry. If it wasn't so late in the evening, I would go over there and find out. I will get out of work earlier tomorrow and ask to see this feature up close and personal.
Racemark mat loks info I stopped by the Racemark International factory and spoke with the gentleman in charge of making OEM mats for BMW. He shared with me that the Mat-Lok system is a "trademarked" term used by Racemark which could be any of their systems used to fasten mats to cars. If you are purchasing the floor mats from their online custom mat division, it is best to contact them directly to find out which system is being used for your vehicle. Sorry I couldn't get more specific information from him. Thanks for bringing this up - it may lead to his visiting a chapter meeting to discuss his working with the mother ship. I did not share my southern lawyer mat securing system idea with him.... maybe after drinks at the meeting
The Mat-Lock system used on the original mats for my '85 M-B 380SE consists of a clasp that's like those used to hook suspenders to your waistband attached to an inch-long pin that is pushed into the carpet to hold all in place.
Scott, besides your proximity, do you know if and where it's possible to get the threaded pins that screw into the carpet, and the round pieces that snap together in the floormats, for the older bimmer oem floormats?
When I needed some older parts to hold the mats down, I went to the local dealer and they just gave me a handful. I would start there if you haven't checked already.