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Facebook Suggestion

Discussion in 'Member Feedback' started by AThieman, Nov 29, 2015.

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    Post Count: 3
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    Hey guys,

    I've been in the group for a few weeks and noticed that there isn't much activity anywhere. I was looking around on the forums and didn't see many active members, or people posting much. I had thought of something...

    I noticed that a lot of the chapters have their own private groups on Facebook where they can share pictures and talk to each other. What if we created a National Facebook Group? I feel like that would be used a lot more than the forums. People would be more likely to comment and share pictures there than here I would think. The majority of people have a Facebook as well.

    Just something I thought would help,
    Austin :)
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    National does have a Facebook page, but you can't post messages to a page, only comment on posts put up by the page admin. Maybe they'll take your suggestion and do a FB group. Your observation about participation levels is relatively consistent across the club - almost everywhere, compared to overall membership, those who participate in any form (social events/meetings, driving events, online, etc.) is substantially less, typically 1 or 2%. Considering all that the club offers its members (generally speaking - some chapters are more active than others), I've always found that somewhat baffling.
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    Wouldn't mind a Facebook page as well.

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