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Engine work

Discussion in 'E90/E92/E93 M3 (2008-2013)' started by bobfee, Dec 31, 2011.

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    I ran into a guy the other day in a 2009 m3 coupe and he was telling me about his engine and how it was built so I asked him if it was a Dinan and he said no man dinan is crap you need to go to BMW RACING they are the ones that do it right. I went on line to try to see what was up but could only get a parts list. There has to be a engine builder that works with these small V8's that rebuilds, ports heads,that kind of stuff. I'm new to BMW so I have to rely on people that have been around these cars for a while to get the best information. Anybody have places or experience on this I would appriciate it.
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    steven s

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    I'm curious.
    A small V8? Isn't it a 4 liter and +410 hp?
    I suppose you can leave your wallet with Bimmerworld or Turner and they could whip up something for you.
    Don't know who is on the west coast.

    This is in addition to converting your 6 speed to a DCT?

    I think this has your name written all over it. :)
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    I've built Chevys, Harleys,Volvos,and not afraid to get my hands dirty trying to make my car special. I suppose 410HP is alot for some but its about torque. These little motors don't start pulling till 5 or 6 thousand RPM. I've driven 4 speeds, 5 speeds,6 speeds and the DCT. The DCT is a engineering marvel and mabye purist think sticks are the only way to go but I'll bet they haven't tried the DCT. I just tried a 335is with DCT and while it doesn't sound like the small 8 it pulls great and from a lower RPM. So I'd rather use my money to build my car instead of giving it to a dealer to buy another car that looses 8 to 10 grand a year. Don't get me wrong the M3 is a great car but for some can be better, (aftermarket).

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