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Electrical Gremlin?

Discussion in 'E90/E91/E92/E93 (2006-2011)' started by wbmunroe, Oct 25, 2014.

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    I have a 2006 E90 (330i). It is approaching 108k miles, and recently I have had an odd situation start happening. In addition to the passenger restraint warning (which I have seen the other thread on) and airbag light (also included in that thread), I am receiving a complete shutdown of my electronics while driving.

    It seems to follow any type of moisture (rain) that happens, as the weather strip on top of my windshield has deteriorated, and I am working on replacing the windshield. Is it possible that water has gotten into the CPU and causing these problems? It started on hard accelerations to the highway, but now seems to be completely random.

    My speedometer will drop to zero, then pop back to current speed. The NAV/display screen will completely reboot and go right back to the main iDrive screen, and the following warning lights will trigger until I stop the vehicle, shut it off, then re-start and resume driving. There does not appear to be anything physically wrong with my car, but the fact that this is happening more and more frequently has me concerned.

    Any ideas? Thanks in advance!!

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    This only happens after it rains?
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    Yes, that's when it is the worst. However, it is happening more frequently now.
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    You need to have the faults read out for this it could be a K CAN issue which can get very very difficult to find. I would look any water entering the cabin area first then I would look at module called a JBE it is behind the glove box and can get wet easily from issues with windshield seals not sealing and allowing water to enter through the blower motor openings. The water will then just fall on the module and short circuit it.
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    We have not had rain for 4-5 days now, and the temp has been in the 70s or above. It did it again this morning on the way to work. Going to have the JBE looked at as soon as I can. Is there any danger associated with it shorting out, or will I just lose the electronics/iDrive?
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    How old is your battery?
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    Not sure... actually have not looked at it since purchase... Owned this car since 5/2014
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    Yes water can cause a issue if that is the problem also if you having voltage issues could be the alternator overcharging the vehicle causing modules to go into a safety mode until you restart your car. Hard to really say with out having faults to go off of.
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    The problem persists today. The codes and warnings only come up until I turn the car off. It happened this morning before I reached the end of my driveway from the garage. I only drove 2 blocks (to church to vote), when I came out, no faults, no problems. This is becoming very aggravating in it's randomness. I can't seem to be near dealer or mechanic when it happens to have codes read, and they reset when I turn it off/on. There is no water getting into the cabin area, or behind the glove box. I recently replaced the weather stripping at the top of the windshield (which the old deteriorated one was thought to be the root of the problem letting water in). Between this issue and the passenger seat/airbag fault, I can not have multiple $k's piling up on me, and it also reduces my resale value... Frustrating to say the least!
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    very a dealer or mechanic should still be able to read the codes even with the lights not being on.
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    Ok, now my concerns have grown tremendously. My computer reset, flickered, and shut down 8-10 times during my drive home tonight. The final reset produced a host of error codes, yet the car ran fine. Our temperature dropped tonight, and there was about a 30mph wind while driving. I'm starting to think it's the cold, and not so much the moisture. I was traveling at 60mph the whole way, with no sudden braking or accelerating while this was happening. There MUST be a short/loose wire somewhere, right?

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    check your alternator voltage while these lights are on at the battery I am wondering if you have a over or under charging problem. Voltage should be 13v to 15v
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    FINALLY RESOLVED!!!! It was a loose connection on the Negative terminal. It was sliding on the post JUST enough to cause a temporary break in communication with the computer causing the resets. Thank goodness, a simple fix this time!
    MGarrison, charlson89 and Ken.S.330 like this.

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