Have replaced the ECU, Alternator, Gas Filter, Thermostat, O2 Sensor, as for the fuel pump it's okay, however, my mint condition 88-325ic continues to give me problems with exceleration, when I get near 35 the gas is not there, loss of power . Oh, spark plugs have been changed also. My up to speed mech can't figure out what the problem is, we've even changes some relays going to the fuel pump. Any help here would be truly appreciated. burns@asila.org
You mention that the fuel pump is OK but have you run a fuel pressure and a fuel delivery test to make sure it is performing up to spec? Low pressure can also be a sign of a weak fuel pressure regulator. Specs for the fuel pressure and delivery can be found in the Bentley service manual. Buy one if you have not already, it will be the best investment you make by saving you money in service costs. Matt
Thanks Matt, I'll bring that to the table. This is the sequence of the problem, temp guage moves to red, car loses power and seconds later the engine light comes on. The veh never shuts off, just a loss of power as though I have no fuel moving.,sporatic.