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E91 Battery

Discussion in 'E90/E91/E92/E93 (2006-2011)' started by 391075, Aug 26, 2011.

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    I have a 2006 530xit in need of a battery replacement. The original battery was replaced abt 40 months ago when I bought this CPO car from a midwest dealer. I wonder if a full replacement is covered under the CPO warranty (?). If prorated, I may be better off (less expensive) to buy a Sears Die Hard and just replace it myself. There seems to be some plastic trim pieces around the battery that I suspect must be removed (?). Does anyone have "diy" battery replacment instructions ? Your help will be appreciated.
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    I don't think Sears maks one

    I don't think Sears maks one that fits. It needs to be the right size, have a vent tube (in the right place), and have the right capacity.

    It also needs to be "registered" (by using a diagnostic computer/tool) so that the car doesn't over- or under-charge the battery.
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    This is a dealer-only

    This is a dealer-only replacement item. Or, you could try an independent BMW shop with the right equipment to do a battery replacement/registration. BTW, the chassis code for your 530 touring is E61. E91 is a 3 series touring.

    aj555 guest

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    I just replaced mine yesterday, and you actually have to program it to the car. For the battery and installation Reeves in Tampa charged $365 total. No CPO doesnt cover it because it's regular maintanance. Honestly, I wouldnt try to use a cheaper battery in these cars. I know, hard to hear but it's not worth the risk. The expensive price does hurt, especially when it was the exact amount it was going to cost me to get my wheels powder coated this week.

    arabold guest

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    Just replaced mine too. Had a choice of 3 from the dealer. Icluding testing and reprogramming the damned computer, I still don't believe they sell for $400, $500 or $600 depending on capacity. So far as I know, BMW may well be the only car manufacturer in the world that uses a computer with volitile memory! Living proof that electronics is not Germany's forte!

    By the way, Sears stocks 2 of the 3 batteries that fit the E90s. They sell for $170 or $180 here. Too bad the dumb computer can crap out if power is interupted and the charge rate must be reset even if you manage to replace the battery without the programming going south.

    This is my first BMW since the '80s - it's my last until, oh, the end of time.

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