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e46 Intermittant single gong beep - dealer claims normal function?

Discussion in 'E46 (1999-2006)' started by aaronb9, May 14, 2009.

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    My car (04 330i zhp 6-speed) has developed a quirk, where it will emit a single beep from the 'gong' under specific circumstances.

    if I get in the car, close the door, put the seatbelt on, put the key in the ignition, and then turn it all the way to position II quickly, about 1 out of every three times I will get a single 'beep' from the dash. It's the same sounding tone as the seatbelt warning and freezing temperature warning, but it's neither freezing nor is my seatbelt undone when it happens.

    In addition, the DSC light occasionally will flash once while I am cranking the car. This is much more intermittant and not reproducable.

    I had it in at the dealership this week for diagnosis (among other things) and although they claimed normal operation I'm not convinced they fully understood my description of the problem.

    Unless anyone can definitively tell me whether or not this is normal, I would really appreciate any suggestions as to where I might try to get this looked at more thoroughly. I need the equivalent of 'Dr. House' for BMWs. I'm in the north florida area if any specific shops might be worth checking, but I'm also prepared to drive.

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    Check your owner's manual on setting and un-setting the event reminder for the computer/clock, it's a German thing...

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