E30 Motorcycle Hauler..MUST SEE Thought you all might enjoy this.... Ran into this Utah guy at a truck stop in Nebraska as we were caravanning to our DE last weekend. Looks like he could have hauled two if he had a roor rack!!! I didn't bother to blank out his plate as he didn't bother to respect the E30. Look close, somehow he is sleeping in the front drivers seat with his feet on the passenger dash. Wonder what he did with the trunk lid? Oh well....some people's kids.
How on earth is that possible???? I'm surprised the car moves at all with an extra who-knows how much weight on the trunk... I'm surprised the body can hold it so well and still move. And... TO TOW A BIKE, a HONDA no less??? This is a disgrace!
Just when you have thought you have seen everything that is possible to do with a car, someone else come up with something new and dumber. I just hope he has it tied down well. Hit a bump and even if he doesn't loose it, it could break the rear window!
Heck no, I respect da E-dirty! (Well, not dirty anymore - just washed it down yesterday...) It'll be on my brother's truck being hauled over here.
Honda F4i weighs 370 lb. Not an overload for the car by any means; just in a bad location. Probably a net gain of 330 lb, assuming the decklid weighs about 40 lb. A Honda that can easily suck the headlights out of any E30 ever made. Don't get your panties in a bunch. The bike's probably worth more than the car.
I didn't think anyone would get that. First of which, he's towing a bike, which is... well, a bike. 4 wheels > 2 wheels, every time. Second, I don't care what kind of bike it is; it's still a bike! (You can tell I hate bikes, right? lol) (And also, I had no idea how much a bike would weigh... seriously thought it was more than that.)
600cc sportbike with fluids is closer 420-430, but still that's a couple of large guys in the front seat. I can't imagine the trunk weighing more than 20 though, the hood is only 30 I believe.
Even mine? Ten years older (1/78 production date), it is still worth more than most E30s - and we don't even need to consider the headlight-sucking aspect of 0-100 km/h in 4.6 seconds. You can see the model number on the fairing so I looked it up. It's 370. My R100RS is only 506 including 6.3 gallons of fuel. Wait 'til one without torsion bars or lift shocks falls on your head and take another guess ...
I used to tow my bike with my 325. Actually, I have towed one ton pretty often, actually. Kinda reminds me of this, though: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YD8Wc6CXKoI