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Driving School Question

Discussion in 'Oktoberfest 2010' started by Gonzogonzilla, Mar 21, 2010.

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    Post Count: 48
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    I'm a bit confused, being a newbie to O'fest.

    Is Driving School limited to intermediate drivers only? I've had one BMWCCA Driving School two years ago on Road America, making me a beginner only.

    However, since I'll be there, anyway, I'd like to do a day on the track. Is this possible?
    I have all accoutrement.
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    steven s

    Post Count: 2,504
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    Advanced or Intermediate students only.
    A minimum of 20 DE days in the last 3 years is required for registration.
    You may register for Satuday or Saturday and Sunday.
    You may not register for Sunday only.

    You can register for either Wed, Thurs and/or Fri with any experience level.
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    Post Count: 48
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    Oopps! Sorry. Missed that last part, there. Thanks.

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