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DIY for A/C Evaporator Cleaning for Musty, Moldy Smells

Discussion in 'E39 (1997-2003)' started by nd4spdlsc, Jan 8, 2018.

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    Post Count: 58
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    I forgot to post this here with the code directly and it appears I no longer have edit access so at the risk of bad form but in the interest of passing some info to other members (and not having to figure out the photo issues again), I am going to post a link to my DIY article.
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    No worries, link is just as good, serves the purpose of sharing the info (thx for that!)

    Fwiw, you can display images by uploading them (click the upload tab at the bottom), after which depending what options you select they'll show full size in the post or as thumbnails that then have to be clicked to see full size. If you want an image to show full-size in the post, it's helpful if they're not too dimensionally large, and they're also file-size limited, 1mb.

    You can also use bbcode image tags
    or, the "Insert/edit image" button, click the icon among the options above the reply-box text-input space that looks like a monitor, that's to the left of the "Media" icon (which looks like two frames of a film strip or perhaps a window), which brings up a box for the image's url. That's a more automated version vs. inputting the bbcode tags yourself.

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