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Die Flüsternde Bombe

Discussion in 'Golden Gate Chapter' started by Sven, Apr 8, 2013.

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    I’m terribly saddened by the announced “Big changes” to Die Flüsternde Bombe, the GGC chapter’s newsletter. Having it no longer in paper format is a disappointment and further provides evidence that there is no lasting tradition. The anticipation of the Roundel and Die Flüsternde Bombe arriving in the mail is now reduced to only one. These two printed mags were something to hold in your hand; not another “online” (on my iPad, in my email, on a web site, etc.) intangible ever electronically produced mag.
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    Not my chapter, but I agree with ya!
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    steven s

    Post Count: 2,505
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    You can request a hard copy.
    Hard copies need to go to those without email addresses and who do not opt out.

    National Capital Chapter is still printing hard copies.
    I think ad revenue will go down and printing costs will go up for chapters.
    Smaller chapters I can see the benefit. But not larger chapters.
    Just my opinion.
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    I believe the reference to hard copies - does not mean a beautifully printed full color glossy version - like the one we get now. More like printed on a copier and send. I can do that myself on my home printer. :(
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    steven s

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    That would be a shame. There are several chapters that produce very, very nice magazines.
    I always thought it should be up to the member to opt out of paper.
    We have opt out requests for Roundel all the time.

    mrsbee guest

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    Hey Sven, I suggest you join the Sandlapper Chapter. By joining up with us you'll get The Roadster, our fine publication, sent directly to your doorstep on fine paper, with articles written by a fine individual.

    Just sayin'...
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    I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.
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    steven s

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    What's 3,000 miles to attend an event? :)
    Looking forward to Festorics this year.
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    mrsbee guest

    Post Count: 511
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    Meh, you don't have to attend our events. Although they are ridiculously awesome!

    Besides, how many members are in our chapter that don't go to our meetings anyways? At least he'll have an excuse not to attend.

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