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Connected Drive Value

Discussion in 'Audio, Video & Electronics' started by JRW528, Dec 16, 2023.

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    I have a 2018 X5 with Apple CarPlay.
    I am struggling with the value of $120 annual for Connected Drive.
    CarPlay has great map and traffic info.
    Siri does most of my voice commands.
    I don’t use BMW Online features than much.
    Non need for Alexa.
    I don’t feel the need remote services much.

    Are there any OTA updates beyond nav stuff?
    Any reasons to consider?
    Am I underutilizing some features?

    Thanks, John
    2002 Z3M
    2014 328d
    2018 X5d
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    I haven't used connected drive as it isn't in anything I have just yet, (will soon), so all I can say so far is having never used it I've never needed it. From what I can tell with a quick look at it, looks mostly like cool-to-have added convenience, with some potential to be essential, and that in hopefully rare-to-never scenarios, like bad accidents or stuck in the middle of nowhere. Maybe we should look up stories of how it saved the day or anyone's bacon, which circumstantially seems like it would easily be worth $120 or twice that. At $10/month, that's... $2.50/week... or, around 36 cents per day... other ways to look at it. Anyways, if you're not deriving value from the service, it would seem there's little point in continuing it!

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