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cleaning your cleaning items

Discussion in 'Detailing' started by jgilbert, Jan 6, 2009.

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    I am brand new both here and to BMW. So I want to keep the car as nice as one can. Been reading with great interest all the threads on how to. However there is something missing.

    How do you clean the things that you use to clean? Do you just throw all in the washer add some bleach and dry? Can you wash in the same load both your wash mitt and your wax applicator? What about those things you use to clean your wheels?

    So just how do you clean the things that keep you clean?

    Thanks to all in advance
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    hot water, maybe a little extra detergent. no softeners at all. no bleach (because it will get dirty again) i throw it all in together.
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    John in VA

    Post Count: 624
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    The above applies to your usual terry towels, diapers, etc. Microfiber products require special care to make them perform & last.
    Excerpted from http://www.detailedimage.com:

    Properly Caring For Microfiber Towels:
    * Always remove tags from your microfiber towels. This helps ensure that you are taking every precaution to minimize adding imperfections to your paints surface.
    * Always wash your microfiber towels before your first usage. This will help remove any particles that may have stuck on the microfiber fibers during shipping and handling.
    * Store 3-5 towels using Ziploc double zipper gallon bags (quart bags for applicator pads) to ensure you do not contaminate you towels during storage.
    * Rinse your towels immediately after usage before a product, like a polish, sealant or wax, can dry on them.
    * Always wash your microfiber towels prior to the next usage.
    * Wash between 25~30 towels per load.
    * Do not wash microfiber towels with any other fabrics.
    * Use liquid detergent with no fabric softener, bleach, smell...something like Tide Free.
    * Use less detergent than the suggested amount by manufacturer (about half or more than half).
    * During rinse cycle, add some white distilled vinegar to help dissolve detergent. (1 tablespoon per 16x16 towel)
    * You can wash with hot water. There is no household water hot enough to ruin your towel or the performance of the towel.
    * When drying, you can air dry / hot / medium / tumble, anything you like, but never ever use fabric softener. [I use low heat or air dry - don't want to risk melting or damaging the towels]
    Reason why you shouldn't use fabric softener with Microfiber:
    * Deposits a chemical coating on the fabric that you really don't want to transfer to your car's finish or windows.
    * Clogs the microfiber strands, reducing absorbency and cleaning ability, leading to possible streaking.
    * Fabric softener in any form (in detergent, rinse additive, dryer sheets) deposits silicone on the fabric to make it appear softer to the touch but reduce absorbency.

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