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Caravan to Oktoberfest

Discussion in 'Oktoberfest 2010' started by 139262, Apr 15, 2010.

    139262 guest

    Post Count: 1
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    Hey, anyone out there planning on driving to Oktoberfest from the northwest? My son and I are starting in Portland, most likely Friday eve or Saturday morning prior (20th or 21st). This will be our first O'fest and I hear the drive can be a lot of fun.

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    Post Count: 1,616
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    It can be if you arrange to sleep through the eastern half of Montana, all of whichever Dakota you choose, and most of Minnesota & Wisconsin while he drives.
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    steven s

    Post Count: 2,504
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    You can also look at the registration list and maybe find some folks from your chapter.

    I've caravaned from Maryland to South Carolina, to Indy, to Keystone CO and Austin.

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