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Car meet in the north bay?

Discussion in 'Pacific Region' started by CameronColyer, Mar 7, 2013.

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    Post Count: 1
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    Hello everyone! this is my first time posting here on the BMWCCA forums, I've been itching to go to one of the GG chapter events and get a personal experience with the community but even the cars n coffee is a two hour drive from where I live. I would really like to try and get a meet and greet or a cars n coffee event started a little further north; maybe San Rafael or elsewhere in Marin.
    My father lives in San Rafael and I know he'd like to attend a few events as well.

    Is there anyone that would be interested in something like this?
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    Hopefully you may have some luck here with any locals responding - however, you probably stand a better chance of gauging interest via your local chapter - try http://www.ggcbmwcca.org/forum/index , maybe you can find some other chapter members closer to you there, as well.

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