I'm still deciding what to put on the plate for my first BMW...now that I finally have one. By far the most memorable plate I've seen in one I spotted a month ago in Colorado Springs..."GABOY" I was alarmed until I also noticed all the Georgia Bulldogs stickers on the back of the truck. Then I was highly amused. I know the owner was thinking "Georgia" with "GA"...but that ain't how it reads to the average motorist. Ha!
Man, you must be crazy if your going to put that on. The average motorist will see that so leave that alone if I were you.
No, no, no! It's not going on MY vehicle. I just happened to spot it and almost drove off the road laughing. There's gotta be a way to compress "Nice coffee can muffler ya got there, Honda boy" into 6 letters...
The police can be your friends "...you don't want to stand out in the eyes of the law?" Having been a police officer for more than 23 years I can tell you most of the time a police officer is not aware of your plate until after he has decided to stop you. "BMW=tickets, other makes=warnings." Again I saw the total opposite. Most police officers could care less what your driving. Ratty cars get more attention and far more citations because they usually have more violations they can enforce. "I don't worry about it too much; I figure if I'm doing something ticketable, the speeding/driving/etc. will get scoped out and be what's drawing attention long before they get a view of the license plate" You sir, are correct! "Maybe they think they can rake more money in from those with new cars.." Nope, the amount of the fine is not based on the car. old, new, German, or junk. Would you not think most police officers would go for the "old" figuring that BMW's, etc. owners would be more likely to hire attorneys and fight the citations? Regardless neither is the case "just the satisfaction of sticking to a rich person when you live on a cops salary...." Apparently you have no idea what a "cops" salary is, Seattle officers can make over 200k per year based on OT, rank, longevity, etc. My cousin an LA area officer for more than 30 years retired at over $90k per year and medical for life. Over all and for what they do, yes most are underpaid, however they do not try and take it out on "rich persons". My brother and I, both police officers (he still is) are and have been BMW owners, CCA members, and Chapter officers for years, we nor any officer are "stereotypical" no more than...well BMW owers are!
We could cut to the chase. NVYUS How do I solve the obviously unsat appearance of my username, lack of CCA emblem, etc., on the left column here?
I've seen 4U2NV. I think it was on a Camaro or some other GM crapmobile. Might have been a Porsche. (Heck, the more I think about it, the more I think one of our local BMW drivers has it. ) I found it insufferably arrogant. I am the one who decides what cars I think are cool, not their owners. In fact, I am much more likely to find such a car to be repulsive just because of the egotistical jerk driving it. It takes them a little time to get around to that.
Copy all...thanks. The problem with a plate like "envious" is the message (besides the arrogance). Who's envious? The guy driving the car? Or the guy reading it (supposedly)?