I am... but as an opposite-coaster it probably does not mean much in your world! BTW, I thought Beverly and I were the only people over 18 still watching South Park. Rabble, rabble,rabble, rabble.....
Strangely enough the candidates' statements appeared on the site over the past few days, along with three bylaw amendment proposals designed to "legitimze", after the fact, the manner in which the board conducted last year's elections which did not meet the requirements of our bylaws. But by this afternoon they're all gone. Seems odd since the text would have to have been proofed and finalized by now for publication in the January Roundel. What an odd way to hear about bylaw changes. No minutes with a discussion, not even any discussion in public at the last board meeting. Certainly limits the discussion by the membership, doesn't it? So does this confirm that last year's election results and bylaw referenda were illegitimate? Is that trout or salmon I'm smelling? Lemon pepper anyone?