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bird droppings on paint

Discussion in 'Detailing' started by bg63562, Jan 17, 2009.

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    Thought I'd find a ton of info on the Detailing Forum about this but can't find anything - so here goes: what's the best way to clean bird droppings (ka ka, poop) off both paint and convertible tops?


    RaketeBlaue guest

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    No joke, but what kind of bird droppings do you have? :eek: The kind of dropping (size, color and length of time it has sat on the paint) will determine your best method of trying to clean the droppings. Also, is your BMW a newer vehicle with clear coat? Living in Florida has given me a greater appreciation for where I park my car, let's just say pelican poo can be disastrous. I have developed several different methods depending on the bird.

    For the top I have used 303 Brand Convertible Top Cleaner with a boar bristle brush with great success. Clean the affected area off with water, apply 303 per the instructions then lightly work the area to get the undesired particles off of the top. Rinse and repeat as necessary.

    Glückliches Fahren!

    Will M. - Orlando, FL

    Devilsown guest

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    Also if you know what the dominate species of bird is in the area where you got bombed will not per say help but the meat eaters poo is more acidic than the seed eaters.
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    cleaning bird poooo

    i agree with the 303 cleaner for the conv top.... as fas as the painted areas, if the car is relatively new(has clear coat) use straight car wash, and pour it on the "affected area" and ever so gently swirlt it around...then wipe it off with a microfiber towel and then clean the area again with a quick detail spray to get the rest of the soap residue off....this is assuming that the pooo hasn't been baking in for days.....good luck.......:)
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    Warm water and soap. But let me tell you as soon as you see that crap on your car. With whatever you have available. I once found some bird poop on my car (and it couldn't have been on there more than a day), and there was clearly some acidic nature to the poop because it etched right into my clear coat! I had to use some serious professional grade liquid abrasive, a DeWalt rotary buffer and some elbow grease (not to mention taking extra care not to burn through the entire clear coat), to buff out that damage. Bird crap, serious stuff that must be removed immediately!

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