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best places to advertise my 650i ?

Discussion in 'New Jersey Chapter' started by cookgeez, Jun 20, 2017.

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    Post Count: 7
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    hi everyone, any advice welcome on best places to advertise my 650i ? already posted in roundel classifieds.
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    See if your chapter newsletter also does 'for sale' ads, and check your chapter's website to see if they have forums with a 'for sale' section, or some such. If your chapter utilizes a Facebook "group", you can post an ad that will show in the group message feed. Some chapters have 'pages' vs. 'groups'; pages are designed primarily for 1-sided information dispersal originating from the page creator/admin - you can submit posts, but they show in a minimized fashion in a sidebar, and not easily seen by subscribers to the page. Groups are more interactive, group members get a notification when someone posts a message, and posts are shown in a timeline similar to one's own Facebook newsfeed.

    Just fyi, there's no need to post duplicate messages in different subforums here, bringing up the forums shows new posts. Anyone following the forums will see a list of any new messages posted. Anyone new to the forums should "Mark all forums read", & then they'll see any new messages going forward. Obviously, past messages can be perused by anyone at any time.

    Good luck with your sale!

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