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Best BMW for an 18 year old?

Discussion in 'Buy, Lease, Finance & Insurance' started by jhietter, Jul 27, 2008.

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    Autohaus guest

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    Offer him a monthly payment plan ;)
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    Yes this thread has gone all over the place! I was just thinking about that! Yet I still keep coming back to see what people are saying! :D I really do wonder if the OP has even looked at it since?!

    Why are you getting rid of your E30 M3? Has it given you problems?


    Autohaus guest

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    I think he probably didn't like what we all had to say. Whatever he is driving, the E53 X5, E46 M3, new M3, Z8 or a lonely euro E28 518i, everyone here and myself hopes that he uses proper care behind the wheel.

    Arash2002tii guest

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    Yeah I hate to sell it but the thing is giving me 99 problems. If i can get enough cash flow to start fixing it though, its a keeper. Even in its broken state it's still an amazing car to drive, embarrassingly though I can't seem to find the keys ANYWHERE, and I don't have a spare. Any suggestions on what to do? I have probably spent over 5 hours tearing up the house and my hair looking for the damn things. :(

    (Sorry for the caps if anyone is annoyed by them, again, I just couldn't resist)
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    If you're under pressure to get it open & moved, you might ask the dealer what info they need to cut a replacement key (assuming the locks are original).

    AAA or somebody might be able to slimjim the door if you just need to get it open.

    Is there any possibility the keys slid out of a pocket while you were in any other vehicles?

    Otherwise... keep looking... it's easier to find stuff if you're not looking around in a panicked hurry ;)

    Arash2002tii guest

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    Thanks for the help. I'll look over the house again today. I checked the other cars we have, but I guess I'll ask my friends to check theirs as well. I never lock my cars around this area, plus I never leave valuables in my car, so getting it open won't be a problem. I just need to get it started. I'll keep looking until the end of next week. If I can't find it then, it's off to BMW.

    reynaldo guest

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    i dont understand why people make an assumption based on the age. It is true that he is an experience driver, 100% of accidents involved teen driver. It is up to him to make that decision if he has money to spend. Hopefully he will mature as a adult and not get into trouble or get into accident. Speed equals death based on the statistics especially young inexperience drivers. Live free.
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    Inattentive driving equals possible death. Speed doesn't kill; people who don't use common sense and don't pay attention kills, be it young, middle aged, old, or anywhere in between. That's why our speed limits are ridiculous; the people who are most likely to get into accidents ignore the speed limits anyway, so why hold the rest of us up? Who knows. I guess they enjoy the massive fines they rake in from people.

    Anyway, what's wrong with your orange M3, Arash, and if there's something so wrong with it, how you do think you'll get 13 grand for it?

    Arash2002tii guest

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    There's nothing that wrong with it, it's just that no one wants a car with problems, though they may be only a little and not major in any way. Actually I listed everything on the car, good or bad, on the craigslist ad and I have some people interested though they all want to do trades plus cash, when I only want cash. You'll be surprised what E30 M3's can sell for, some guy sold a rust bucket one as a restoration car for 8k. I think I'm going to keep the car though and work on it myself and make a little project out of it. When you actually about it there's nothing really wrong with the car aside form that nasty water pump. But having the car get hot on you at lights and slow traffic and always having to put water in it kind of demoralizes you into thinking the car is really broken.

    I'm kind of confused as to why you quoted me for that.
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    I was wondering why he quoted you too. I agree with AZ, speed does not kill, inattentive driving kills and blatant disregard for stop signs and red lights!

    An S14 motor in good shape is worth $5-8k on its own, not to mention what you could get for the suspension from an E30 M3. A car that runs, has less $150K is almost always worth more than $10-12K these days, if not a lot more. Most M3s today for sale are all above $15 and nice ones are getting $18k to $25.


    reynaldo guest

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    you are all correct. BUT DONT MAKE AN ASSUMPTION YOU GOT IT. YOU ARE VERY SMART so keep being smart you may need it to survive in this economy.
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    Are you freakin' serious? Over $12k for an M3 with over 150,000 miles? Even for an E30?? Come on...

    I know some really nice ones were near $20k, but an M3 with an S14 being near that much really makes me say "WHAT?"
    The only $20k M3's I've seen were in concours condition, but had S52 swaps with really low mileage on eBay.

    To be over $15k with high mileage, it had better be immaculate, very very well maintained, and unmolested... :confused:

    Autohaus guest

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    E30 M3's are hot now. They can be had for more money than the E36 M3. Remember I told you Botond about an ad on autotrader for a E30 M3 that had only 4K miles on it. The guy claimed the car spends its time in a bubble. $59K for it. Someone will plunk down that cash for it. However, for that price you can get a new M3 and just need to find maybe $5-10K to complete the deal.
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    Hey, I know it is hard to believe, but just take a look at Autotrader.com. Here is a search I did, I hope the link comes through. Not a single one is less than $11,900! Many have over 100k on them. You have to remember that only about 5,100 E30 M3s came to the US, many of these have been turned into race/track cars. So there are just not that many around.

    How do you like the low mile one for $55,000. I bought my BBS RS rims from him.


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    I think I will go on a little more about the E30 M3! :D There are few cars like this anymore. First off it just looks like a race car (which it is) with the flared fenders and spoilers. The Sport Evo really shows it stuff with the big splitter up front and adjustable flap out back. In the M3 you are so connected to the road, you really know exactly what is going on, you are not insulated at all. You don't want to drive this car on a long trip with a headache though! Trust me I know! :eek: This is a really special car, something I don't think BMW will ever make again. I don't ever plan to sell mine, to me it is exactly what a drivers car is all about.

    Now, I have driven the new M3 and it is a great car, but for how powerful it is, to me there is a disconnect between the car and the driver, IMO. I will give it one thing though, it feels a whole lot lighter than what it actually is, I am not sure how BMW pulled that off. :D


    Autohaus guest

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    He lowered his price!

    This explains why the E30 M3 is the best M3 ever made.
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    Yes I think it is the best M3 ever made, it was a road car based on a race car. Not a race car based on a road car like the newer M3s. :D But, don't get me wrong, the newer M3s are awesome cars and far better than anything the competition can come up with! :D

    I must say, it is also amazing how well E30 325is, 325ic, and 318is hold their value as well. Ones in good shape cost around $5 - $8K which is pretty amazing. You don't see old MB or Audi getting this kind of cash! I guess they are becoming true classics.


    Autohaus guest

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    $5-8K for a nice, well kept E30 BMW :). You could get a early E39 for those prices :eek:
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    I know it is crazy, but nice ones are getting decent money. Mike Miller of Tech Talk fame from Roundel did a really nice article on e21s and e30s in Bimmer magazine this past year sometime. I can't remember which issue, I will have to look when I get home. He talks about what to look for and things like, as well as value. It is a pretty good article.

    You are right, you can get a really nice E39 for $8K. I have even seen E46s getting close to $10k with reasonable mileage on them too! :) Pretty good bang for the buck if you ask me.


    Autohaus guest

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    Hmm, lets see. Brand new Kia Rio "fully equipped (LOL)" for $10K or a E39/E46 for the same price?? I don't know guys, really hard choice :p. The other day, I was driving by the Hyundai dealership in my town and I saw these people pulling out of the dealer lot test driving a Hyundai Elantra. What a waste. Now Hyundai has come a long way. The cars are getting better in quality and were probably the first ones to offer that long warranty. However, for the same price as that Elantra (maybe like $15K out the door?) give me either:
    2001 740i sport
    2002 325i 5MT
    2001 540i/6
    E34 M5
    E36 M3
    E28 M5
    Super high mileage (but with service records) E39 M5
    Case closed!
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