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Autocross - The Most Awesome Highlight Reel Ever

Discussion in 'South Atlantic Region' started by mrsbee, Aug 9, 2012.

    mrsbee guest

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    awesome!! looks like a blast!!
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    I sense somebody's enthusiasm growing like a...... wait for it.... waaaaaaait for it..... weed! :p

    mrsbee guest

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    Maybe, just maybe I'm turning into a bit of an addict. I find myself looking at an empty parking lot at work and contemplating the possible repercussions of setting up a slalom course with random plant material and barreling the fork lift through
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    A couple reasons I can think of to stick with barreling the 'tard through vs. the forklift...

    1. Preservation of dignity by avoiding an appearance in "Dumbest Stuff on Wheels"


    2. Not risking creating the headline "Local woman, Landscape Designer, Accidentally Crushed to Death in Overturned Forklift Incident"


    It's kinda like the parental 'no running with the scissors' - it's all fun and games until someone pokes their eye out or gets killed!

    mrsbee guest

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    Shhh Shhh Shhh, never worry. Much like my passion for German automobiles, I also got my forklift training through a very reputable German school for forklift driving. They taught me all I need to know in five short minutes

    http://m.youtube.com/results?q=Germany forklift video

    Btw, my forklift is big and green and named Lewis.
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    omg, r-o-f-l! I thought the knife straight into the skull was going to be the most hilarious bit, but it got funnier the worse it got! I'm beginning to think it's possible to learn how to do _anything_ from youtube vids! :p

    mrsbee guest

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    True story time: Two incidents of getting caught learning "How To" on YouTube.
    Number One:
    Whilst I was married (that was a big oops) I once threatened him with dragging him out to a polka dance while visiting my family in wisconsin. I played it up and said I was an excellent polka dancer. He called my bluff and well, agreed to go. While he was at work that night, i decided to YouTube how to polka, and there I was, teaching myself solo polka when he strode through the door. Ooops again.

    Number Two:
    My work computer also doubles as the everybody get their grimey hands all over it at lunch computer. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff I see in my history, but I digress....A co-worker said he had something very important to research on the computer and needed some time in the office. Sure, no problem. I leave for two minutes, come back to retrieve important papers and find him watching "How to change a washing machine belt". Hmpf, not exactly genus species cultivar look up I was expecting.

    So, my friend, use caution what you learn to do from youtube.
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    Well, yes, note that I didn't say one can learn how to do anything to perfection from youtube! 'Tis important to keep in mind the nature of the source and ye olde adage "Ye gets what ye payest for"! ;) :p

    mrsbee guest

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    I'm still searching for my adage accompaniment of "no such thing as a free lunch"maybe I can find how to get one on YouTube... Wait a minute, maybe I should learn my lesson.
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    Post Count: 128
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    Very jealous of you guys being able to use the Performance Center track. Allows you to turn the autocross into a mini road course. Do you guys not require helmets during autocross?
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    steven s

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    A very mini road course. I think the times where like 1/2 minute. When we run the full course we run 1:30 to 1:45.
    When Sandlapper runs the autocross we use BMW CCA autocross rule. Helmets!
    Most of the PC schools don't require helmets.
    It is nice having it in our backyard.

    mrsbee guest

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    Nice isn't a great enough word to describe it in my book! It was really interesting to me to see the diversity of cars out there. I felt kind of bottom of the pile at first, not having a super sporty car (the fact that it has two doors instead of four is a step in the right direction, for me at least) but there were just some regular old off the lot cars too.

    I really admired the guy (i'm not sure who it was, but his smile is still plastered in my frontal lobe) in the Touring Wagon that spun out entirely into the grass on the second track. I think we all held our breath for a minute until he started back on the track again, but once he got around the the box it was apparent that he was still having a great time.

    My best time was 27.8, which was a clean run (no cones). I really think that if I turned the DTC off I might of shaved a little bit of time off of my lap BUT only if I could keep my own butt out of the grass.

    The One was a great track car, except the brakes started to get a little tired by the end of the runs. Between the Lee and I, we really gave the car a good solid wringing out, and it makes me look more seriously into those super sport brakes that a bug in my ear tells me about.
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    Post Count: 16
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    great time and hope it repeats itself... y'all dont need helmets huh? :D
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    steven s

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    Wasn't a BMW CCA event.
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    Post Count: 16
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    gotcha... are there any upstate events this coming July with your chapter? i plan to be in state during that time. thanks!
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    steven s

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    Our events are usually on short notice. Depends on the Performance Center's schedule.

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