I am a new comer. What is the atmosphere like for guests who may or may not be as into the driving events? Are the various hotels or Road America more of the base of the event?
O'Fest without the driving Actually, I never do any of the driving events except the rallies occasionally---and usually I work those instead of competing in them! The secret of Oktoberfest is its social emphasis; my greatest enjoyment seems to come from merely hangin' out with like-minded lunatics. I think we will be at the track for many of our activities, including the autocross (which I may run this year. Hey, what's a little embarrassment in front of my friends?). But the fun rally, the TSD rally, local just-for-the-fun-of-it drives---these are all over the place. Plus brats. Brats and beer. Don't tell my cardiologist!
The host hotel(s) in Elkhart Lake are 3 miles from the track. So the simple answer to your last question is, both. You can go from either place to the other in under 5 minutes, assuming you remember where you parked your car. I have only been to eight O'Fests, so I can't speak for the others, but this will be the most compactly-located Oktoberfest I can remember. No others even come close. I do not believe any event begins anywhere but at the track or at the Osthoff. While the rallies may stray more than a half hour's drive away at their furthest, I know of no other official 'event' that does. As for atmosphere, what do you want? The only thing you won't find is a big city (unless you want to drive down to Milwaukee). If you want to sit in the bar all day schmoozing, walk across the street from Osthoff. Siebkins is one of the most famous 'motorsport' bars in the world. If you want to hang at the track and simultaneously watch a driver school or club race and the autocross, you can do that. You can also have a driver school as a backdrop for the Street Survival school or cross under the track at 'Black Flag' to watch the gymkhana going on behind the press tower. There are likely to be barbecues going on in the outfield - or hold your own with a bunch of friends from whatever group you make (chapter, cyber-group, same color car, etc.). There are plenty of rural sites to visit if you're so inclined. Cheese factories are common (Sargento is just outside Plymouth) as are sausage manufacturers (Johnsonville is a half dozen miles away) and, of course, dairy farms. Antique shops are everywhere. Further afield is a big waterpark on the Sheboygan waterfront, the Wisconsin Maritime Museum (WWII submarine Cobia) at Manitowoc, and the Experimental Aircraft Assn. Museum at Oshkosh, all within 50 miles.
I'm a first timer and I think the M1 package is right for me . My wife will attend with me , for her to join me but not participate , what does she need ?
The M1 packages includes all social events, driving school, autocross and car control clinic. If you would like your wife to attend the buffets, dinner or participate in any event, that would require an M2 package or day passes. Depending on the location, some events are open to the public for spectating.