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ABS/ASC/DSC which is it?

Discussion in 'E38 (1995-2001)' started by manmngo, May 18, 2012.

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    Dear Experts,

    I have '96 750iL with >200K miles (the last 7 digits of my VIN is DH66888). I have ABS & Traction Control lights ON - I have read/researched several websites, I got bits & pieces of information.

    I have replaced:

    1. Wheel sensors
    2. ABS Pump (and an electronic module attached to it) located on the passenger side of engine bay
    3. ABS Control Module (I think - I might be wrong) which located behind the glove box.

    What else controls the brakes & the traction? I brought the car to the dealer to read the code, they said I need the "main board" which controls the Tractions (?!?!)

    I looked in RealOEM.com for my car and the following are listed:

    1. Hydro Unit - ABS/ASC
    2. Basic Control Unit - DSC
    3. Hydro Unit - DSC

    All these names are driving me nut! Where are these things? Do I have all 3?

    Any "re-programming" if I replace them myself?

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

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