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A Pillar Upholstery Repair

Discussion in 'E36 (1992-1999)' started by NJHaupt, Jun 19, 2009.

    NJHaupt guest

    Post Count: 22
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    The fabric on the inside of my A pillars has come loos at the top and is sagging, revealing what looks like styrofoam underneath. Does anyone have any tips about how to repair this?...If there is any special adhesive needed?...And how to do it so that the fabric won't look creased or crinkled once the job is done? Thanks!
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    Probably a lot easier to buy new, if available, replaced in my X5 for about $30 each discounted.

    NJHaupt guest

    Post Count: 22
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    Only $60?

    Does that include the installation cost or did you replace them, yourself?
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    Thats parts only, took all of 10 minutes to install by myself, very easy

    NJHaupt guest

    Post Count: 22
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    Cool. I just found two on eBay. $30, each.
    Any general advice you could give regarding installation?

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