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2011 X5 35i Purchase Comps

Discussion in 'E70 X5 (2007-2013)' started by rjcouturier, Feb 22, 2011.

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    Hello All.

    I'm getting ready to order an '11 X5 35i Premium in Dallas/Fort Worth with the following options:

    - 3rd Row Seat
    - Navigation
    - Space Saver Tire

    Edmunds says:

    MSRP = $56,575
    TMV = $54,875
    INV = $52,080

    Would like to know what others are paying.

    BTW - I've been driving two E39 MTs for years. I looked like a complete idiot trying to drive the X5 AT today. Surely, it will get better.

    Thank you.

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