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2009 Z4 Wheels

Discussion in 'Detailing' started by MPHCPA, Sep 14, 2009.

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    I want to keep my wheels clean. I typically hand wash my car every weekend.

    I want to put on a wax or something (by hand) that helps cut down the time it takes to clean these wheels.

    I just ordered Girots One Step Sealant.

    Any thoughts on the matter will be greatly appreciated.

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    While I am no expert in this area, I have found that Mothers Mag and Wheel Polish helps to cut down on brake dust. There is almost no way to eliminate the dust, the polish helps it come off easier. I use their cone application sponge in a cordless drill to apply it to the wheel and then take it off by hand. Just about any wheel polish will work and make the clean up easier. There is just no substitute to a good cleaning with some type of wheel cleaner by hand each week when you wash the car.
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    I use Griots BBS approved wheel cleaner along with wheel wax. The two combined and dust has never been easier to remove! First time with wheel wax double up on the applications. After then when your wheels get dusty hit them with the griots and then a hose and they are almost spotless. Only takes a very light wiping at that point. Took an hour off of my wheel cleaning time!

    http://www.griotsgarage.com/product...eel tire cleaners/wheel cleaner, 35 ounces.do

    Biodegradable is a huge plus as well! They have a version for painted and polished. Research it to make a informed purchase and you can't go wrong! This is of course my opinion and you will get as many about wheel cleaning as favorite colors on a car.

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    pressure washing is a quick and easy way to blast the dust off, but it cannot remove brake dust that has been sitting for a long period of time, but while your at it you can do your engine compartment and wheel wells.

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