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2004 330i service

Discussion in 'E46 (1999-2006)' started by rtowenby, Aug 19, 2013.

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    I hate to put this question on here as I know the storm its going to create,.....Buuuuut. I'm "about" to get my first 330i (whoooo hooo). High mileage very well kept. I have a MINI that's why I know the damage of this question.
    Here goes...
    2004 330i sport/premium AUTO 100k
    ......... tranny service - is the Redline D4 ATF enjoyed by most and is the Beck Arnley filters a good choice?
    ......... Rear Diff - Red Line 75/90 or 140
    I don't believe in life time lube sold by anyone. This little bundle of fun will have all the fluids flushed within a couple months regardless or the clean maintenance records.

    BTW - I did search for these answers and didn't clearly see them, but that doesn't say much.
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    Redline fluid is a great fluid very good. The beck arnley filter should be no problem its good that your changing that as well and not just the fluid. As for the rear diff just use the 75/90 no need for the 140 the internal diff temps won't get that hot and 75/90 will work better in colder temps. Congrats on the new car those are very fun enjoy!
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    Hey thank you thank you.
    I saw later on red line's sight that the 75/90 is what they say too.
    Thanks again for the help.

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