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2000 323ci

Discussion in 'E46 (1999-2006)' started by Helman, Apr 11, 2009.

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    2000 323ci........... shuts off

    Hello, I have a 2000 BMW323ci. The check engine light is on and I've had it checked and they said its nothing but when I roll up to a stop sign my car stops and the battery light and the light next to it comes on and I have to start it again does anyone have a suggestion ?
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    You likely have a vacuum leak. Most likely culprit is the intake boots. They crack at the accordions. , Also check that the oil cap is tight and the oil dipstick is in tight. The check engine light is on because the computer knows there is a problem. If the CEL is on, there is a code stored. Whoever is scanning your car is not using the correct equipment or is not competent to work on your car. There should be mixture codes if you have a vacuum leak.
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