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1991 BMW 325i Convertible, Ignition Will Not Turn Over

Discussion in 'E30 (1984-1993)' started by Jship91, May 5, 2015.

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    Dear BMW Colleagues:

    My 1991 BMW 325 will not turn over, car has been running fine since I purchased it
    in December 1990.

    This morning went out to start it and the key would not turn at all - gave a ping like
    sound! I am assuming the Ignition is gone?

    Please advise - what are my next steps? I live in Arlington, VA.

    Regards, J
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    The key worn't turn at all even if you apply pressure to the steering wheel left or right while turning the key?
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    Thanks, I turned the steering wheel to the right and it started, the brake light came on
    and now having the brakes checked.

    Question: What caused the car - not to turn on and a ping like sound?

    Regards, J
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    How do mean not turn on? Did the engine crank and not start? Did it not crank and make a pinging noise?
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    The car is now running fine, in the interim the brake light came on - had the brakes checked
    out repaired and running fine.

    Thanks again!
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    I'm guessing Charlson was getting to the idea of a potential issue with the steering ignition lock - he's got a better idea what all variety of problems there might be, but as an advisement if you're perchance unaware of the feature, the steering wheel normally locks when the key is removed from the ignition; if you park with the wheels turned, you have to turn the steering wheel a bit further to disengage the steering lock and then allow the key to turn in the ignition cylinder, thus starting the vehicle. If for some reason you ever park with the wheel turned all the way left or right, it's probably advisable to not quite have the steering turned as far as it can go, that doesn't leave you much wiggle room to turn the wheel further to free the steering/ignition lock. Good to hear though that things sound alright now!

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