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'01 E38 Pixel Display

Discussion in 'E38 (1995-2001)' started by carguy63, May 20, 2008.

    carguy63 guest

    Post Count: 1
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    Has anyone on here had any Help from BMWNA with the repair or replacement of the display.My pixels are really hard to read ...the Driver information area and the exterior temp(not the odometer ..yet).
    Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you :)

    Gatsby740iL guest

    Post Count: 32
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    Our cars are famous for having the Instrument Cluster fail.. which sounds exactly like what's happening here. Sometimes just certain pixels will start to 'fade' and the pixels (if the connectors are cleaned with spray Electronics Cleaner) will come back using this method.

    You can try buying some Electronics Cleaner spray (available at most auto parts stores and in the Auto Dept. of stores like WalMart, etc..) and clean the connections and connectors themselves... and also have a look at the bulbs located in the back of the Cluster (they ARE replaceable) to see if any are blown. The Cluster is removed by losening the 2 hex bolts located under the top lip of the Cluster itself... then the unit simply slides out (See Photo's Below). But with different things disappearing completely.. it's more than likely the Cluster itself.

    It's an easy DIY if you buy a new Cluster HOWEVER (and if you have the software to program) you must get the programing right the first time or risk having to replace the Cluster yet again.

    My recommendation would be to call your local BMW Center or (BMW) Indy and schedule an appointment to have the Cluster replaced and programmed. Shouldn't run you much more than $500 and you'll be back to good! After some research.. I replaced my own a few months ago due to (basically) the same problems and that was, indeed, the culprit!

    Anything else comes up or if you have further questions...please don't hesitate to ask!

    Good Luck!

    -Gatsby :cool:



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