Hi, felt I would take a minute and post some feedback as to why I am contemplating not renewing my BMW CCA membership when it comes up. I've had...
Just to follow up, I never got a chance to call anyone in the National Office about this. I doubt with my work schedule I'll get a chance to call...
Thanks Tom, I will follow up on that. Much obliged.
Hi, I received a few of these "BMW CCA Bucks" in the mail from referring a few members in 2012. Very happy to have supported the club, and it is a...
oh, one more thing, why is it that participating in the focum requires you to be a BMW CCA member? Maybe you could just allow anyone to join the...
Ok, I get what you are saying, and thats fine. As long as the committee in the sky or wherever these decisions are made are ok with the discussion...
Awesome story! You should write for Roundel...:)
First time back since 9 June...:( Really hard to get past the "login everytime" compared to other online forums...
I pretty much just use the same thing as on the paint, I.e. clay, then P21S. PS congrats on the car. :)
Hi all - We had such a blast during our PCD last year, that now I would like to go to M-School. I'm in the 'noob' category, from a track...
Thanks! Good input.
Hi - Been really trying to use this forum last couple weeks. Unfortunately without this feature, I will have to pretty much give up regular...
Hi, did a search and thought this might be the thread to ask this question. We had such a blast during our PCD last year, that now I would like to...
Cool! Welcome. :)
hi, not sure if you would find this useful, buy you might try this web wite: www.bimrs.org. Click on 'find shops' and enter your zip code. Rich
"Frankly I'd LOVE just to have a PDF link emailed to me every month right now, that would be great, but although its a bit frustrating I do also...
Mmmm...6 speed Diesel wagon...love it. :)
Dang I'm in Atlanta. Can non tar heel / capital region member go? I guess not :(
Hi, just got my logon back and thought I would say hi. We have a 2007 E91 and a 2011 E90. Hope to participate more in the site. Rich J.
I hope this comes across as constructive criticism and not a dig, but I hope those of you who tie the sensors out of the way restore the car to...
Separate names with a comma.