I bought my car in December and the passenger side was really slow, like I said, then when summer came around it got better only to slow down again...
If it were the grease then the window would always be slow not only when the door is closed. I regreased it anyway just because I had it apart, but...
The passenger side window on my 1999 Z3 2.8L coupe, is very slow to roll down, but goes up just fine, the driver side however rolls up/down about 3-6...
The screw that fell out was the bolt and spring assembly that holds the shoe steady inside the drum so as to prevent it ftom kicking sideways inside...
I have a 1999 Z3 2.8L coupe I attempted tightening my parking brake today, and ran into a problem. Using the bentley manual for my Z3, I loosened...
I attempted tightening my parking brake today, and ran into a problem. Using the bentley manual for my Z3, I loosened the nuts on the brake cable...
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