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valve tap when cold or sitting serveral weeks

Discussion in 'E85 Z4 (2002-2008)' started by Surzfun, Apr 30, 2012.

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    Any thoughts on valve tap when cold or any additivies that could be recommended. 30k on car and not a daily driver. I saw there were concerns with the valve lash and rockers.

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    shelbyvnt Baby Bee...

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    Plenty of experts in the forum for a more educated response, but how long does the car have to sit before you hear the chatter? My BMWs have sat for two weeks at a time, with no chatter, but longer spells between start ups could be part of your problem.
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    Thanks for the response.
    May sit for a week or two no problem. Yes you maybe right about the longer no starts. Any thouughts on 0-40 Mobile 1 oil?
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    shelbyvnt Baby Bee...

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    Technical stuff... Your Service Advisor is the best judge, but while there are several approved oils in the manual, you have to consider your driving style, climate & time of year to really make the right choice. Long down time, heavy grade oil & valve chatter when cold... Yeah, if by cold, you mean cold temperature too, it makes sense. Try starting the car more fequently, better yet if you can take it for a quick drive.
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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

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    Well, if it's an S54 engine, it wants Castrol synthetic 10-60, PERIOD. I talked to the guys at Red Line to see if they have an equivalent, and they said, "Naaaah. Market's too small. Use the OEM stuff."

    I always do what Red Line tells me!
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    Actually..... Redline does 10w-60, and I've switched.
    After a winter sleep the drain down thing is unavoidable. But that first start after is always "fun" knowing about that cold start. But after all these years of reading about fine synthetic motor oils, a characteristic is a certain amount of "cling" to the metal parts that I am convinced is a major reason to use the best synthetics. It is a buffer when you need it most: dry starts, extreme heat, etc.
    I prefer the ester based for that reason and ultimate film strength, where the S54 needs it in the lower end.
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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

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    Yes, after that post, I discovered that Red Line had come around to my way of thinking: That is, they are MAKING OIL JUST FOR ME! So the last time the roadster got fluids, it was Red Line, stem to stern.
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    Recently bought 2007 Z4 and experienced same concern about clatter after a couple weeks layup. Seems to dissipate after warmup. Is it oil related?
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    What engine does your Z4 have?

    MrZip guest

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    BMW claims the tapping sound won't hurt the engine, however they have issued a TB addressing the problem. It mostly involves replacing lifters and in some cases the head. Most have us got the problem fixed by the dealer (as a warranty repair) Most all E85 warranties have expired by now so you may be on the hook for the repair now.
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    BMW for that SIB no longer replaced the head they have come out with updated rockers that have a bleed hole drilled through them for oil to pass through and really does fix the issue. Together with the updated HVA it really solves the noise issue.

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