I am trying to loosen the reverse-threaded fan and clutch from my M3's water pump, and that thing is stuck pretty good. I do not have the special tool to hold the pulley, and when I "righty-loosey" the whole darn thing turns. I cannot wedge something in there to hold the pulley (already bent a screwdriver wedging it in there on the bolts) and want to know if there are any more fancy tricks.....suggestions?
Like Granthr said, give it a good solid whack and you may find it's enough to loosen it. If after a couple of attempts it doesn't loosen, you may have to break down and get the tool (or build your own...it's fairly straight-forward). I would bet somebody in the chapter already has one that you could borrow though. Have you posted anything on your local forum?
thanks for the replies!! No I have not posted this in my local forum as the broadest scope of advice come from here...I'm certain these ideas will help me get the job done
If big Channel Locks or 10-inch Cresent wrench doesn't do the job, you'll need a thin long 32mm wrench (or 1 1/4"). You can get a headset wrench from your local bike shop cheap. Looks like the one at this link: http://www.amazon.com/Park-Tool-Open-Headset-Wrenches/dp/B001FCMPVO
We need a bigger hammer... I built two of the tools, bent both and attacked the nut with a sawzall on our E30. Worked like a charm!
Ford wrench I walked into my NAPA store and bought a Ford wrench off the wall for the same thing ~$30. It fits on any 1/2" socket wrench or breaker bar, even came with a wrench (wrong size). It works great on the e46... don't know about the e36. The sears wrench to fit over the nut was 2x that. Chuck
Not necessarily. I tried both on my E24 and that thing was "welded" on. I was replacing the water pump any way and the clutch had seen better days so I got a new fan clutch as well. Be sure to put a little bit of anti-seize on the fan clutch threads when you figure out how to get it off.
Auto zone will rent you a universal fan clutch tool. Its adjustable and works on many different vehicles. I did my z3, my e28 and will be doing my m3 this week with the same tool from their shop. Rental tools rock !