I have not heard anything about Tech Fest for 2008. Will this event happen this year? If so when and where? Matt
Thanks for the reply, sounds interesting. Will there be details forthcoming over the next several months so that those of us who are interested can make arrangements to attend O'Fest?
There won't be as many sessions as a typical TechFest or Gateway Tech, but we are doing what we can. The best thing is to subscribe to the Ofest mailing list. It's an announcement only list. That will be or primary form of contact to those attending or interested in Ofest 08. Send an email to ofest08-request@bmwccaofest.org with the word subscribe as the subject.
In addition to getting on the Ofest mailing list, you can go to the BMW CCA Oktoberfest site. If you want to bookmark it, cut and paste this link: http://bmwccaofest.org