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Seat won't raise/lower

Discussion in 'E36/7 Z3 (1996-2002)' started by ct98z3m, Aug 8, 2012.

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    I have a 98 M Roadster and the driver seat won't raise or lower. I hear what sounds like the switch working, but the gears don't seem to work....or so I think.

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    Upon further review, the threaded "bolt" seems to be frozen in place...will Limey have to take the seat off for repair
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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

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    I have finally given up trying to figure out what "will Limey have to take the seat off for repair" means...
    MGarrison likes this.
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    rofl Satch - I didn't have any idea but I didn't try that hard either! :p
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    Damn you auto-correct! Lol. Meant, will likely have to take seat off.....
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    Do you hear the raise/lower motor run when you push the button? I had a similar problem on my 98 M3 and it turned out to be a cracked nylon gear in the mechanism.
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    I actually got it fixed...the motor was working and the screw that is in there was just stuck in place....works perfectly now!

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