Is there a way to turn this off? With a code or something? Do vag-coms work on BMW's? I thought I found a sound menu in the idrive, but only for a gong sound (?) and that is for something else (which I haven't discovered for what yet). I do apologize for constantly bugging everything......... Is there a way to make the lights on the dash brighter? Also, I had joined the BMW club through this website, will I be getting a membership card, Roundel Magazine, and other things in the mail? Thanks everyone, sorry for the bother...
sorry, no way to turnoff the seat belt chime. there is an option in idrive that sounds a chime at the top of every hour, maybe thats what you're referring to? i find that annoying, so i never turn that on also, no way to make the dash lights brighter either. hopefully, all your membership stuff should come shortly
You really want to turn off the chime? Wear your seatbelt. Still want to know how to turn it off? Don't drive a car. That simple.
Wow!! Did you think of that all on your own? This is supposed to be a forum to HELP fellow enthusiasts NOT belittle them. If you want to do that log on to Fox Sports or ESPN Fantasy Forums. Just cuz you can't see me doesn't give you the right to be an ass.
Let's all just lighten up a little---sheesh! Hi, Kris! Welcome to the asylum! I know what you mean about the seat-belt nanny; I think my wife's 335i has something similar. In the Olden Times---say, back in the E30 3 Series era---there was an actual chime you could get your hands on and rip out of the car, but in these days of electronic overlords there may be no hope! If I remember correctly, the damn thing bugged me until I put on my seat belt. . . so I could sit in the car and listen to the radio while I waited for Kelly to return from an errand! However, we do have some pretty ingenious people around here, so there may be a solution I don't know about! As for the crabby comments, I am a little taken aback---we're a pretty friendly group around these parts, if a little rowdy now and then. I know you don't need us---or even the #$#$%! seat-belt chime---to remind you to wear your seat belt! Also, I have noticed that sometimes when we are trying to be witty and droll, it comes across as snide and sarcastic instead. So if you'll cut us a little slack, I promise not to give you any lectures on flossing!
I was surprised to discover that the seat belt nazi chime WILL eventually stop - but it takes a looooong time ... you will probably lose your sanity before the darn thing quits. On my car, the dash light adjustment is a thumb wheel set into the turn signal stalk. It has been a long time since I adjusted it, so you should check the owner's manual for the exact procedure (you may have to press the on-board computer button a few times to get to the proper item on the menu - it's in the manual). Oh, and like the head warden said, welcome to the sanitarium.
Hold your horsepower, cowboy; I just realized you're new so you probably don't know me. I'm known to joke around a lot so don't take what I say personally! I was pretty serious 'bout that though; there isn't a way to turn the darned thing off, not that I've heard of. I don't think there's a way to turn it off on any new car but then again, I haven't driven many 'new' cars.