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O'Fest HPDE???

Discussion in 'Oktoberfest 2019' started by Estoril Blue, May 21, 2019.

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    Post Count: 253
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    Helmets need to be a Snell rating of 2010 or newer. As Steven noted, there are some logistics that involve driving and "working." The common is to help reset pylons if knocked over and report the penalty to timing and scoring. A more experienced person (captain) on a work station usually will have the radio and call in the downed pylon or off-courses to timing and scoring. It is fairly low key and working the course gives you a great perspective on how other drivers go through the course. You've got some very experienced drivers to watch and learn, competing at the autocross (re: TC Kline and others).

    Here's a from video last year's Ofest in Pittsburgh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=621cvT1DKEY

    And the dash cam 2015 O'Fest: https://vimeo.com/manage/150454916/general

    This is from last week's SCCA Solo National Championship (not sure if it will playback correctly from Facebook. If not I'll upload to youtube later): https://www.facebook.com/matt.murra...94457321520&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic
    103563 and gvcmel like this.
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    Is there a schedule for Thursdays autox out yet? We will be driving from Waynesville so just curious how to plan as far was when do we need to leave here and when and where we need to arrive. Thanks for any info !!
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    If you registered for the autocross then you should have an email telling you when to arrive. Pretty sure you had to register online to participate.
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    steven s

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    Scott, you are in the PM session. Be there at by 11:30 AM.
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    Thank you for the reply !!! Been a bit since I've done Autox so looking forward !!!
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    Also, where exactly do we go ? Haven't received an email as to where/when we go

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