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My Motorcycle, Ya Chowder Heads

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by mrsbee, May 27, 2013.

    mrsbee guest

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    Alright, alright. It's fess up time for Mrs. Bee.
    (dun dun dun).

    Although I speak a lot about "our" motorcycle, it's really actually just Mr. Bee's motorcycle. A 1975 BMW R90/6, which is an incredible machine. Over the past winter we did an entire engine rebuild, which at times tested our patience and well, devotion to each other. Mr. Bee has been the only one that actually RIDES the motorcycle, I've been just a passenger thus far.

    Until now.
    (dun dun dun, part two).

    I decided that I was going to invest my first sizeable Garden Center Magazine check into something incredibly impractical and unnecessary - a motorcycle. So, yesterday after scouring the greater Asheville area, I found THE ONE. A 1983 Honda Honda GL650 Silverwing - in Green (you heard it right, GREEN).

    I'll let you know how it goes - in the meanwhile, here is the brood:

    mrsbee guest

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    Green. Well, what other color would a horticulturalist choose, after all. Congrats! & yes, enjoy & be safe!
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    There's a current thread on the BMWMOA forum discussing the number of CX500/CX650's that are living later lives as cafe bikes or bobbers.............

    mrsbee guest

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    Although I'm a card carrying member of MOA, I can't say I've ever dabbled on the forums of the biker minions. I suppose I get enough stimulation on this one - but now that I'm curious I might have to take a peek.

    My ultimate goal is to cafe racer it out and get some wicked yellow pinstripes on the tank - make it look like a John Deere tractor and maybe get the wheels done. As they are right now, they don't match which is driving me insane. Beyond that, some bologna monster decided to swap out the front forks and switch out the dual brake system in the front with a single disk. Why, unsure, but my imagination wanders and leads me to believe perhaps this particular motorrad spent some time in a tree or into the back of a car or something.

    Other than the color, this thing is sweet - not a drop of anything on the garage floor! Not bad for a semi barn find from some hippies in the hills!
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    It's a simple design and it has shaft drive...........darn little can go wrong or leak. Before you sink too much money in it........look closely at those Guzzi V7's. Your dream might be setting on a showroom floor for less money.

    mrsbee guest

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    Uh, yeah.

    You can just use your imagination and pretend I have a Guzzi, except more reliable. From what I understand they have the same engine (flying v) and well, better reliability. It's a pretty rare bike, they only made it for one year, which makes me wonder - if it was so good why did they stop making it?

    I'm not going to sink too much into it. I do kind of want to upgrade the horn to one that plays Dixie and maybe get some Ape Hangers...
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    Wrong-o Grasshopper.....

    The CX500/650 platform lives for many years, in many forms, in the Honda line-up around the world..

    An old guy in my little town had one of them when I was in college..

    mrsbee guest

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    Hey, if it's on Wikipedia it's got to be true. Also, take into consideration that I am indeed a a newb when it comes to the world of Japanese motorcycle (they are from Japan, right?) I'm just taking the words from out of Mr. Bees mouth.

    Actually, I learned an awful lot from that little link. Thanks!
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    The words of a husband are gifts from God...........
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    Preach it brother! If it is OK with the wives.
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    I don't know much about bikes but that looks nice. I would like to get into riding bikes but just don't have the money right now. Would like to get a BMW bike to match my M3.....ha ha
    mrsbee likes this.
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    I hate to say it, but Mrs. Bee did it right this time (based on guidance from Mr. Bee). If you're interested in bikes, find a used Japanese bike in good shape and try it out for a while. They're well made, affordable and the parts are available. If you really like it, then spend the $ after you know what you want.
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    My brother had a ninja 650 I rode once. It was nice. Was suppose to buy it from him when I could but he ended up trading it for a Yamaha FZ1. Backstabber.....
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    I've had Hondas for years. My one and only 'obligatory' BMW is this one; a Euro '78 R100RS Motorsport.


    After a few years with that princess, I stumbled back into my roots with a neat Honda twin commuter bike; this '81 CM400T. Both bikes made appearances at Oktoberfests; the R100RS in 2008 at Watkins Glen and the Honda last year in Columbus.


    Your Silverwing was shortlived because Honda turned more of their V-twins back in the direction God intended in '84, putting them into Shadows of 500, 750, and eventually 1100cc sizes. On the plus side, you have liquid cooling, shaft drive, and Honda reliability. Learn to ride properly, be careful, and have fun.
    mrsbee likes this.
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    Wow.........a Samsonite saddle bag . That is so retro. I haven't seen one of those since I sold the pair that I had mounted on a 1980 Suzuki GS750E. I always felt I should wear a 3-piece suit to ride the bike to match the style of the saddle bags.

    That's a very succinct statement reflecting the culmination of Wisconsin technical inbreeding.............

    mrsbee guest

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    Three piece suits on motorcycles - Monaco is full of them. It was one of the most memorable parts of seeing the famous grand prix corkscrew (not on race weekend). The entire traffic flow was full of scooters with business men in three piece suits and suitcases strapped on the back.

    So, the saga continues - apparently I'm not a brute enough (yet) to handle the GL650 - although my feet touch and I can reach the handlebars, it's too heavy for me. Surprising really, seeing as how I throw heavy objects around all day at work. The Mean Machine taught me who's boss Wednesday night by throwing my off and landing on top of me. Jerk. I learned a long time ago (perhaps on those nights with too many Old Styles in me) that if you're going to fall you better go limp - it's your best defense. So.....a swollen left knee, a road rashed right knee and hurt pride has me searching again.

    This motorcycle shopping business is fun and all, but hell, I just want to be comfortable. It's getting discouraging, am I destined to be on four wheels for the rest of my life? Last night I looked at an old Honda 250 - it seemed like a childrens bike, but I suppose that's what I need to learn on. Tonight we're looking at a Nighthawk.


    Hey, 84 was a good year. This particular member was spawned then...but in Illinois - so I suppose I have escaped the wit of above statement yet again. Zing!

    mrsbee guest

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    The bike fell over...........so you buy a different one?


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