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Maintenance Schedule

Discussion in 'E39 M5 (2000-2003)' started by davkim39, Jun 20, 2009.

    davkim39 guest

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    Any recommendations on routine maintenance for a 2002 M5 with 69k miles. I anticipate only driving 5k miles per year now on this vehicle, so should I be sticking to a 6-month schedule? The car went through an oil and filter change, replaced rear brake rotors, sensors, and pads, last April. Thanks in advance for any advice.
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    With unknown history, I'd change brake fluid, trans fluid, diff fluid and coolant too. I changed tranny and diff fluids at 25k miles and 50k miles, now at 53k miles. I drive the M5 about 5-6k miles/year. I've changed the oil/filter every 7k miles since new.

    At the mileage you're at, you might want to do the MAF test. You unlock the dash display cluster and see the fuel flow rate at WOT at the top of 2nd gear (search MAF test in E39 section of M5board). A low figure (adjust it for ambient temp, pressure, humidity -- Excel file to do so on M5board too) usually means the MAFs are on the way out and/or the fuel filter is getting clogged.

    Thrust bushings are likely worn if they are original.

    Definitely become a member on the M5board and use the FAQ and resources there.


    davkim39 guest

    Post Count: 7
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    Thanks Chuck.

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