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Looking for a front bumper cover supplier

Discussion in 'E39 (1997-2003)' started by 190796, May 29, 2011.

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    I need to replace the front bumper cover on my 1999 528iT. I would like a factory, or at the most a stock M5 looking part. I have seen what BavAuto has to offer but was hoping for something less expensive but not boy-racer looking.


    Thanks! Scott Graham

    cwbiii guest

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    try here

    About $400 plus shipping for oem part from your description. You will still need to get it painted.

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    ViolinARC guest

    Post Count: 178
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    Great link...

    Nice link...too bad the shipping is almost as much as the cost of the actual bumper! :eek:
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    Looks like they found a clever way to market their parts at deceptively low prices

    Once you've overpaid for shipping, you've probably paid just as much or more than for the Bavauto part.

    Are you taking into account the 10 to 15 percent BMWCCA parts discount?
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    didn't realize that when I posted it, the shipping's over double the shipping on my E36 M3 bumper :confused: still not a bad price overall I don't think
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    I need to replace my driver side fog light, I had a rock kick up and shattered the bulb. I need to replace this, preferably with something a little brighter. Any suggestions?

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