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Female 2003 525 BMW owner - needs help-- navigation system -dead!

Discussion in 'E39 (1997-2003)' started by fredcobb, Oct 11, 2010.

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    Dear Forum- :(
    Sorry if this is not very technical as I am a female BMW owner...
    I have a 2003 525 BMW …and my navigation system stopped working (just a blank screen that says change cd/DVD.
    I took it to the BMW dealer and he said it would cost $3500 for parts only to fix it.
    --what part is it that needs repair- the entire navigation computer? - CD changer and radio still works…but no maps come up.
    --any idea who would sell this part?
    --where I might have it fixed for less???
    --any other thoughts would be great-
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    steven s

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    If it's like my Mini, the CD or DVD changer is below the passenger seat.
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    Actually I am guessing it is in the trunk on the left hand side where the cd changer is/would be. My E39 does not have navigation, but this is my best guess. At this point you might be able to get this part used. Call some of the BMW dismantlers in the back of Roundel, they might be able to help you out. BMW Wholesale, Eurodepot, etc. There are a bunch. Sorry I don't have more experience with navigation. Sounds like the dealer is charging top dollar and is not willing to work with you. Is there an independent mech in your area that you can go too? Check www.bimrs.com for a shop near you.
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    The nav system computer/DVD player is different than the CD changer for your audio system, but they are probably located near each other in the left rear of the trunk (the big money corner). There could be a lot of things wrong but one thing might be a stuck DVD. Can you remove the DVD from the nav system player?
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    Personally, I've never been a fan of Factory NAV in the car. It's a technology that changes rapidly just like Audio/Video. Whatever you have will soon be displaced by a better and cheaper version so why purchase it and have some eventully lame technology forever embedded in your dash? I know, you have it now so why the monday morning quarterbacking huh? Well, here's a solution that you probably won't get on this site. The NAV system in your phone is already better than the NAV system you are attempting to repair. If your phone is a Droid or an iPhone or some such "Smart Phone" you already have a NAV system better than the one in your 2003 Bimmer. It's just a matter of getting up to speed on how to use it when you need it. After all how often do you drive somewhere that you've never been to before? Save the money....get a smart phone. The tecnology will upgrade each time you upgrade your phone's software without turning your car's dashboard into a museum of old technology.....

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    +1, then rip out the nav system and replace it with the in dash CD player!! It looks much better IMHO. It has a nice door that comes down and hides the CD slot. It no longer breaks up the wood trim.
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    I can't fault the comments of the previous two posters, because they make sense. However, it's possible the problem may be just a stuck disc, which is sometimes (but not always) easily remedied at no cost. If the nav computer is truly broken and needs to be replaced, I would use a smartphone or a Garmin rather than replace the factory nav computer.
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    Where are you located? State?
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    You directed your post to me but I am not having an issue with the NAV screen as I didn't opt for that when I purchased my 2003 M-Sport intentionally. As I inferred in my post that a good cell phone with NAV is a better alternative for the reasons I cited. It is the original poster that you should be directing your suggestion to. :)
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    Deutsch Marques

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    It is sad that a $120-200 TomTom/Garmin can be superior to an OEM navigation system that you are charged $1500-2800 for! The only real advantage you gain from spending thousands more is a clean, integrated look in the dash, and perhaps some shared vehicle information on the same screen.

    I don't understand why car makers don't just use the same TomTom/Garmin units you can buy on your own and give you a nice docking port in the dash for them with an external antenna. Charge us $200-400 for it instead of thousands. Sure, you'd lose the added nav features such as wheel speed and direction sensors, but my TomTom does pretty well without that. Plus I can get map updates over the internet, plan routes on my PC and download them to the GPS, and more. And if you want a screen for your stereo, HVAC, seat heaters and other car stuff, put it on a different screen.

    The only real disadvantage of a portable unit is finding a place to put it (bean bag, windshield mount, etc.) and the cord dangling around the cockpit to power it.
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    Ummm ... isn't this "on this site"? :rolleyes:
    [Dunno why you like green, but I'm letting you keep it.]

    Something else you might not get on this site unless somebody points it out is that one of your BMW CCA membership benefits is a 15% discount on Sprint services. I carry a Palm Pre (and my wife and daughter each have semi-smart phones) that includes Sprint Navigation which, as it turns out, is pretty damn good. It interfaces with local traffic reporting technology to tell you when you're facing congestion ahead on your route. You then have the option of asking it for a faster alternate route. Normally, you're screwed anyway (If you weren't driving the fastest route in the first place, why not?), but I've seen it come up with a viable one once in awhile. You've also got Google Maps and other stuff available.

    Maybe the best thing about this club discount (the Sprint system sees you as an 'employee' of BMW CCA) is that the customer service office is in the US staffed by native English speaking representatives (HI, Monica & Scott!). ;)
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    One car maker does what you suggested. The device doesn't quite come in under your $400 limit, but then this car maker has been known to price things on the high side now and then. :rolleyes:

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    AND...I'm not sure why you feel compelled to mock me for writing in green when the site provides the option to write in any color you want....including your alumni university color during the height of the football season.

    Why so hyper-sensitive about my comment? Suggesting that an option outside the typical "repair strategy" indigenous to a Car Club Site isn't a stretch to assume. I didn't mean to impune that you personally wouldn't have suggested the cell phone option. I just made the statement in general terms....That it is typical to see a repair solution when it has been invoked.

    Then to make the personal crack about why I would post in green when it is clearly an option along with many others ......not sure why you felt this deserved a critical remark either. Are you attempting to reduce my participation on this site by mocking me as a respondent? BTW: I'm letting you continue to read my posts as long as I deem that I feel like posting.
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    Member Discounts

    C.R., thanks for the information that BMW CCA Members are helped by native English speaking reps at Sprint. That's a nice bonus!

    All of the CCA Member discounts can be found on the Membership Benefits page. To learn the complete details of a particular discount, just click on the company's logo.
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    I'M hypersensitive!? You need to shop around for a new sense of humor. Yours seems to be malfunctioning.
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    What can I say, Krieger, you just make friends wherever you go...

    I go looking for ONE room that you haven't tossed one of your verbal bombs into yet, and I just so happen to arrive just before the explosion...


    And YES, OMG you're hypersensitive....in addition to being a master at "forum bomb-throwing."

    Thank goodness these aren't real flames, Krieger, or a local hook and ladder would have to follow you all over geographic area of residence.
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    WARNING: This thread is getting too far off topic and is becoming disruptive to the forums. Stop now or the Staff will be forced to take action.
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    Whoa! Now you guys have got national involved! :( The poor OP only wanted her nav system fixed.

    Don't worry these guys are friends and it doesn't always require getting the hip waders out!! :D They do actually agree on a few things, occasionally.
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    Deutsch Marques

    Post Count: 150
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    Yeah, but that's just an aftermarket GPS with "BMW" silk-screened on the front. No different that buying a TomTom or Garmin at Bestbuy and sticking it on your windshield. Well, except for the overpaying part.

    What I meant was for auto makers like BMW to stop selling $2800 GPS options to us and just give us a $200-400 option that is really just a TomTom integrated into the dash.

    I don't think the OP is around anymore. Only 1 post, and not a peep since.

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