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Battery replaced but red light is still on....HELP

Discussion in 'E46 (1999-2006)' started by ManOfJazz, May 21, 2008.

    ManOfJazz guest

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    I have a 2003 325xi that I bought in November last year(2007). My battery went out a week ago while driving. I did have a problem with it not starting the day before but I could jump it and everything was fine. The next day, a bunch of strange things started happening while driving. (brake light, battery light, warning light where all flickering) Soon after that the car hesitated then died.
    I replaced the battery but the "red" battery light is still on and when I rev the engine the radio lights dim. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
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    have someone test the alternator and voltage regulator (assuming your car has a voltage regulator, I wouldn't know offhand) and see if it's charging the battery?

    ManOfJazz guest

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    And the answer is.......

    It was the alternator. I had it changed and everything is good now($$$). While all this strange stuff was happening, both my high beams went out at the same time. I figure this might be because of the fluctuating current. (They were fine before this all started.)
    By the way, I'm glad I got a discount with the Club membership! :)

    Doc Holliday guest

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    Just a FWIW, modern BMWs don't like jump starting very well. Fried electronics due to jumping are common.
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    Especially if you connect both cables to the battery on the receiving car. The ground cable should go to engine block etc.

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