While I have been slowly restoring gently this older Bimmer I have created a problem I am not sure where it came from. The previous owner stuck a ton of stero equipment into the car. The problem was that when Best Buy installed it they tapped into various power sources causing a not stop drain on the battery. After I unplugged the fuses to all of the stuff that was not used but installed for future upgrades the drain problem stopped but now it is blowing the fuse everytime I turn the heater on. I spoke with the previous owner and He said that he had that problem since he bought it till he got rid of the car. He is not a Bimmer fan anymore after owning this car. Anyway a local repair shop did a quick check and said it had nothing to do with the stero equipment, he knew that much. So my question is - Is this something that was prevalent with this model? If so where can I start my looking for the short are problem? It has been suggested to just replace the fan switch and that should fix it? Is it that simply? Okay several questions - sorry
Guessing this is an E28, rather than an E34, but the guess diagnosis is the same - it may need a heater blower motor. Which fuse is blowing? That might help us help you.
Fuse Yes, it is an E28. The fuse is a 25amp, blue, fuse. I know that the fuse box cover just states heater on it. I have not gotten my bentley manuel out yet to see what goes to this fuse. Wish I had brought it to work so I could give you more information. I know as I stand by the drivers side fender facing the facing the passenger side it is tthe fuse in the right hand row close to the fender. I hope that makes sense.
Then my bet is that it is the blower motor siezed, which is common. The AC blower is separate from the heater blower on your car. If you can get to it and unplug it, then install fuse, turn on heat and the fuse does not blow, there is your problem.
Very good advice ! Hope this helps also - You can buy the motor minus the squirrel fans and save $ http://www.realoem.com/bmw/showparts.do?model=DC74&mospid=47231&btnr=64_0478&hg=64&fg=15